How much does it cost for me to maintain a small boat? - how much does it cost to maintain a boat
I want to ship maintenance work at my university .. I do not know how the payment should be .. I really do not know if the contact who are fighting at once the boat .. It seems that if u want to use, preparation of material, much of what he ever .. Are there any among you who are now in the maintenance of a boat? I know how you could make the maintenance budget plan or something else? It's just a small battle 4 Maritime 8-9 people .. Ship n no boat, just to send it here
Your question is about the same as the question of how a house. Larger homes cost more and there are also differences depending on the location of the house.
The best way to find an answer to this, is a relative who had a similar ship that is so old to ask.
This gives you an idea of the budget.
Which country?
I can give you a cost estimate for an aluminum boat in the small channel port in the United Kingdom at anchor.
Is it a boat / ship a day that looks like "send here and there?
More details please.
Sail or power?
Hull Material: Fiberglass, metal, cement, nonferrous metals, wood.
Drive: type, size and number of engines.
Fuel: petrol or diesel.
Ship of age and present condition.
Other Accessories: Head, kitchen, electronics.
You can bet 8-9 people in a van and a stretched limousine, but the estimated cost of vehicle maintenance would be very different.
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