Friday, February 12, 2010

Jet Ski Service Manual Help Me Understand Who Is At Fault Here... I Took My Jet Ski In For Service And Next Thing I Know Its On Fire?

Help me understand who is at fault here... I took my jet ski in for service and next thing I know its on fire? - jet ski service manual

Sun 02 Polaris Virage TX my chugged on a day I have it in the business that you purchased. Come and discover that I need a new stator and CDI is required (because there in the summer) and summer is going well, nothing happened for a while, finally, the proximity to my family when they come and go across the lake. I would like to express my concern about this, and suddenly, its great to have him for the weekend, since I already paid for and other things, this is not quite finished, but good enough at the MFA for a fun day. In any case, I take a test and the next thing I know his Smokin like crazy and all the cables caught fire and after my lessons with my full screen burn (speedometer and gas meters and all that).
Long story short now tell me they have to pay for new screens tod Cable (about $ 900), because there is no way I could know this would happen. (tried, despite the mechanic with 3 / 4 of my 16-gallon tank for gasoline, and said it was good to go and good for the weekend, and shortly after his return.)
What should I do?
Moreover, now you can call the service manual, which I originally offered to me and said that it was not necessary to this mess to begin with. I want the manual or if you would further savings in order to give them the instructions.
It's almost a year, I had my skis and I am so frustrated, I just need some outside opinions, or something, because I'm not sure what to do. Serious replies only please.


Flaocala said...

I want to move out of the store and into another town, if possible, and explain the need and write an estimate. I do not, they would be in the manual. If there is a store nearby that might cost money, but to give an engineer the craft to override and an opinion on the cause of the fire. His research and the decision can be used in court if it goes so far. Make sure it is a professional engineer registered in your state.

Good Luck

Jane said...

Well, you probably need the manual now to find the cabling melted and toasted. I think both are to blame, so you will be the implementation has not been completely resolved, and insists that you want to use. Have your co-insurance in connection with the damage? You can own a part of the repair.

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