Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Chronic Plantar Fasciitis What Makes An Injury Become "chronic"?

What makes an injury become "chronic"? - chronic plantar fasciitis

Example: plantar fasciitis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chronic means it is still there if you go a little bit and over again, is chronic. I have chronic bronchitis. Every winter I have bronchitis 3-4 times. It takes a few weeks, and published in a few weeks. Once the weather warms and dries, it will. There is no pattern to it, they call it chronic.

** It is a chronic, when it comes, and comes back and is sustainable. What is your example, 10 months ago as a "chronic".

**! Plantar fasciitis is defined, the most common cause of pain in the lower area of the heel and usually with pain during the first steps in the morning. The pain often occur at the beginning of the activity and is associated with the use. Often returns after a long pause and then activity.
Plantar fasciitis is considered a chronic injury rather than an acute injury. It is in the common lead runner repetitive plantar flexion and the toes. It is also common, with the sudden weight gain.

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